Donnerstag, 29. März 2012


Hello Gal's!
This is my first try in the whole blogging thing.
I wanted to do a blog for a long time for now, but I was afraid 'cause....
So for the first time i'll introduce myself:
My Name is Ari, i'm 21years old and live in Dortmund, Germany.
I'm in a long distance realtionship and have to drive 5h to see my beloved Boyfriend.
I'm interested in subcultures and fashion all over the world.
My passions are reading, sleeping, Make-Up and Hair-Make, Gyaru- and Gothicfashion.
 I'm member of the Velvet Gyaru-sa and that's all!

And I want to blog about my whole life.
I want to show you my favourite books and movies.
I want to show things that i like and thing that I don't like.
I will use this blog like a diary and post every week, 
that I can read it in the future and remember me of this times.
I'll try to write just in english, but i have to say that it's not my native tongue 
so please be not to hard to me ;P

Ok that's all for the first time.
Hope you all have a great day and a great weekend!
Hope to see you in the future :D

7 Kommentare:

  1. Cool, dass du jetzt einen Blog hast :) Bin gespant, was du so schreibst^^

  2. Juhuuuu Ari blogt und ich bin gespannt, was uns dort erwartet <3 direkt geaddet, Hase :-*

  3. aww endlich hast du nen blog *-*♥
    ich hab dich mal getagged ^.~
    geh einfach mal auf für mehr Details (:♥
